Brian Harvey

Brian Harvey was born in 1978 in Toronto. After briefly studying digital media and animation his attention shifted to fine art. He has training from Seneca College, Sheridan College, Toronto School of Art and The Art Centre at Central Technical School, which was where he began to focus on observational drawing and painting. He has been painting since graduating in 2003 and has devoted himself to it full-time since 2007. His paintings are studies of the commonplace and the typically mundane; his subjects include everyday household objects, interior spaces and urban landscapes. Brian lives and works in Toronto.

Click for a peek into the Artist’s Studio

Click for a peek into the Artist’s Studio

currently available work

click images for pricing and purchase

past work

388-157 | Brian Harvey, Motorama, oil on panel, 36"x36".  SOLD

388-157 | Brian Harvey, Motorama, oil on panel, 36"x36".  SOLD

388-156 | Brian Harvey, Commissioner Street, oil on panel, 30"x40". 

388-156 | Brian Harvey, Commissioner Street, oil on panel, 30"x40". SOLD

388-114 | Brian Harvey, Sears Outlet, oil on panel, 24"x30". SOLD

388-114 | Brian Harvey, Sears Outlet, oil on panel, 24"x30". SOLD

88-155 | Brian Harvey, 506 Eastbound on Gerrard, oil on panel, 12"x36". SOLD

88-155 | Brian Harvey, 506 Eastbound on Gerrard, oil on panel, 12"x36". SOLD


Taralee Guild


Julie Hawkins